Own And Loan

Own and loan for the 2024/25 season is now available.

Shirts are available for just £60 per shirt.

The process is as follows:

  1. contact gm@hulljets.co.uk with your chosen player(s)
  2. The player will be reserved pending payment
  3. Payment is required within 3 days
  4. You own the shirt and loan it back to the player for the 2024/25 season
  5. At the end of the season the shirt is handed over along with a photo of the player
NameNumberHomeAwayWarm Up
Tom Brierley4SOLD
Nathan Brittan10SOLDSOLDSOLD
Vlads Vulkanovs13SOLDSOLD
Scott Morris14
Jacob Brammer17
Boris Giba18SOLD
Rich Haggar19
Alex Kent22SOLD
Sam Rodgers23
Adam Jasecko24
Ethan Daintith27SOLD
Brandon Stones29
Dom Smith31
Felix Sorensen34SOLDSOLD
Kieran Beach40ReservedReserved
Zack Brown41SOLD
Kohen Taylor44
Josh Yeardley46SOLDSOLD
Connor Lewis51
Reg Taylor58
Harry Barwell61
Kieran Robinson71
Ian Kerman77